The Green Door
The Green Door 1973 E’kwa’shem It was a sun-drenched September 11th early evening on the Island. A bright blood orange harvest moon was rising over the eastern ocean horizon as the September sun nestled into its evening slumber on the western Pacific side of the Santa Catalina island. At the Toyon Bay Beach parking lot, a gathering of the last Tongva teens to be born on the island sat crowded in a 1973 Plymouth Baracuda 340 and a Pontiac Trans AM 455 SD. Both cars had their doors open with their radios synchronized to the same FM radio station for maximum volume. Deep Purple’s “Smoke on the Water” blared, and reefer smoke circulated the air. Over the music, Mike began reading aloud from his school report due on Monday along with Tim, Gabriel, and Jackie in the Cuda 340. “E’kwa’shem.” “I am one of the last nine Tongva to be born on the island. "When the Europeans first arrived here, in August of 1542, the rumors of their